Thursday, June 16, 2011

Call It Innocence

Do you remember when a kiss
was the entire world?
The heat of shared breath,
the intoxication of an earlobe
and the fine hair on the slope of a neck;
a whispered scent so other and so right.
We knew the joyous inability
to register the reactions of strangers,
a sweet rebellion of two.
It wasn't indulgence
because we didn't know deprivation.
We claimed the right of sunshine on the face
and the rule of abundance without time.

Or at least until curfew.


CreoleBeBop said...

well written. well spoken.


Roses said...

Lovely. Absolutely lovely.

Are you a writer by trade?

Mr. Moose said...

Thanks for the positive comments!

And in answer to your question, I just got paid for writing for the first time, so yes, I can now claim to be a writer by trade.