Sunday, March 23, 2008

Post, Re-post, Contre-riposte

Edwin Markham sent me this via the cosmic wires after reading my last post:

"For all your days, be prepared
and face them all alike.
When you are the anvil, bear.
When you are the hammer - strike."

Thanks Eddie, I love that. Although I think The Stranger said it more concisely:

"Sometimes you eat the bar, and sometimes, well, he eats you."

Since this blog, like all blogs, will consist of 30 - 40% of bitching/moaning/wailing (hereafter known as the BMW Quotient), I think these lines will keep things in perspective. Many are the days I am the anvil. But I bet I am far more often the hammer and lack only the ability to see it.

Hammer strikes bear - checkmate!


savannah said...

communing with the dead again, eh? i do like the BMW Quotient, may i nick that little phrase? with attribution of course@

savannah said...

i found the notes and emailed them!!!

PENDULUM said...

I was hammered lastnight- God I feel like shit today Easter Monday an' all.
Happy Easter!

CreoleBeBop said...

Dont think of it as a hammer. Think of it a solid four iron to the green lying two on a par five. Enjoy the ride and swing away!


CreoleBeBop said...


You can come here for a month and supervise a crew of Chadians. You'll be swinging the hammer and the damn anvil in no time!

I love you.
