Friday, March 21, 2008

Without Work There Is No Play

A study in balance, perhaps. A long day of work and worry, production snafus, undependable contractors, higher than normal rates of employee zombie-ism.


And then I come home and the cat says hello and my wife changes into her pj's and the neighbors bless us with their peace and quiet and finally I can take a deep breath and say,



savannah said...

isn't it wonderful? you can go home and close the door on everything and breathe again.

Alan said...

I fell twice today; not too bad by comparison.
I find being in bed gives the perfect opportunity, until the wild horses run away with it all.
Quote: " the torture never stops."

Mr. Moose said...

Yes, Sean, but how did you feel before you fell and how did you feel afterwards? The fall is essential. (Does that sound too Biblical?)