Friday, June 18, 2010

Heard in a Dream

"Stand up like a man and lie like a rug!"


captain chaos said...

Was that from your dream or were you burglarizing someone else's subconscious again? Damned dirty mind thief! Take your shoes off before you traipse around my brain leaving footprints everywhere!

Mr. Moose said...

Dreamer's Note:

I said that line in the dream, in my role as book and merchandise salesman for a second-rate prophet known as Candor Man. People kept asking me what CM's philosophy was all about and I'd say, "You can sum it up thusly: stand up like a man and lie like a rug". Then I'd gladhand them and slip them a copy of the book. Maybe Willy Loman was a Bible salesman.

captain chaos said...

You've clearly come unhinged. Your mind is like good gumbo. Everything has merged with everything else. It'slallrunningtogether.