Sunday, November 23, 2008

Our name is Nerd, for we are many...


captain chaos said...

I totally can't wait. I saw a shorter preview a week ago or so and I was sold. I think Melah might go with me if I agree to go to something stupid with her and Ani. I'm a nerd but who cares? This flick looks AWESOME!

Mr. Moose said...

Yeah, I'll probably have to strike a similar deal with Nancy. Unless I trick her by telling her we're going to see an untitled historical fiction period piece movie about relationships. It's kinda true...

captain chaos said...

Baby Spock! Baby Spock!

savannah said...

jaysus, just go! hell, i'll fly out to lalaland and take you both! are you not men????? ;)

Momentary Madness said...

You could "boldly go" together.
I'll give it a miss; too many bad trips man.
See ye later.
"Beam me up Scotty"

captain chaos said...

Oh, we'll go! But on the boat!