Wednesday, July 25, 2012

38: The Strontium Year

As is our custom here at the Alcelogue, three hundred sixty-five days of consecutive living is a time to reflect, sum up, and otherwise excavate the past for any valuable lessons. So what have I learned?

1. Gratitude is the key to inner peace.  When I consciously call to mind the people who love me and the other blessings in my life,  I immediately let go of whatever negativity I'm holding.  Resentment is useless.

2. My brain is only useful when I need it to do something.  All the unsolicited "advice" it gives me is meaningless.

3. I deserve to live a happy, peaceful, completely fulfilled life surrounded by comfort, beauty, and healthy, inspiring influences.

4. Life can be is effortless if I want it to be.

5. I don't feel good when I don't exercise and when I don't eat like a human being (yes, I actually had to learn this one).

Now how's that as a plan for living?


savannah said...

it is a lovely plan, sir! i would only add, "make time for fun." xoxo

Pearl said...

And, if I may add on to Savannah: Nap when possible.

And floss. :-)


Kim Ayres said...

A belated happy birthday!

All good advice - number 2 especially made me laugh loudly in recognition of the truth of it :)