Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Head Full of Pages

During a break at a recent writing event, a favorite Reader question was asked in a playful, get-to-know-you way: "If you could live in any book, what would it be?" Normally I would skip this line of inquiry in favor of inscrutable silence, but the NaNo folks are a kindly lot and I decided to join in. Without giving it too much thought, I said the Hobbit. This was immediately seconded by a dozen other people and gave way to one of those intense nerdalogues wherein the pros and cons of a completely fictional concept are scrutinized in detail. Where would you live? What species would you be? When would you live - before or after the first or second defeat of Sauron? What would you do for a living? It was all going swimmingly until I broached a practical question to the would-be Hobbit contingent, namely, what kind of sewer system is employed in a Hobbit hole? Bilbo Baggins lived under a hill in a multi-roomed, one story house with one-sided ventilation. Where do you put the toilet in that layout? Next to the windows? IN the center? Where does the waste drain out? Middle Earth is basically a Medieval era world which means, er, garderobes at best, privies at worst. Bag End, as we all know, was the epitome of Hobbit comfort and coziness, but let's face it, it's still a hole in the ground. Once you hit that bathroom, that place is going to smell like Hobbit crap. And those little dudes are way too fond of rich food.

The Hobbit contingent countered that their favorite species is a very industrious and resourceful one and surely they would have invented some sort of Roman aqueduct style of sewage. Perhaps. But if anyone in Middle Earth is going to do that, it would be those stinky but clever Dwarves living under that damn mountain.

We were all in agreement on this.


CreoleBeBop said...

I'm at the airport waiting for the plane to Paris and then on to N'Djamena. How did you manage to participate in this conversation without laughing out loud at anyone who took this seriously? Your mastery of diplomatic skills is impressive. Your impishness and delight at manipulating others' brains is downright scary!

So I'm off to a place that has no sewers - go figure.


captain chaos said...

Ah, Pops. Where has your inner nerd made off to? I for one am excited that Moose got to participate in so wonderful a useless and entertaining conversation. It's much more fun than chess and about as intellectually defensible, yes? I for one throw in my lot with the elves. If anyone in Middle Earth was going to have a clever solution for their waste it would be the elves. I grant you the dwarves would, of course, have created a brilliant sewage system but they live under a mountain so... As for time, I'm going after the first defeat of Souran or what's his face. Ah, Moose, what a wonderful world you inhobbit!