Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Outposting

If you want to pay your sales and use tax quarterly fees to the State of California's Board of Equalization and you want to do so online, you have to use a third party payment center. This payment center has a Facebook page. You can also follow the payment center on Twitter.

I notice also that the payroll company which sends my paycheck has a Facebook page. You can follow them on Twitter too, if you are so inclined.

I think if Mark Twain were alive today, he would have a blog, but he would not be on Twitter. Somebody would probably manage the blog for him because he would refuse to learn anything more than the basic operations of a computer.

Oscar Wilde, however, would have a blog, a Facebook page, and would post on Twitter every half hour.

I don't think Shakespeare would be an active blogger, but the Globe Theatre would definitely have a kickass website.


savannah said...

doesn't it make you wonder just how much the state of california is paying to maintain all of those useless sites? it would seem that the department of equalization (ok, wtf does that really mean?) has a revenue section and could, manage its own revenue stream, rather than outsource yet another service. not every thing needs a facebook page and surely not a twitter account.

supernana said...

I certainly agree with your author predictions. I think if Jane Austen were alive today she would have a Facebook fan page and a dating blog, perhaps even a show on the Style Network.
Emily Dickinson would use a typewriter and send scathing op-eds by "snail-mail" to the New York Times.

savannah said...

come on! dude, a post? please?